
Monday, October 26, 2009

Television made unfriendly children

Television made unfriendly children Jakarta, Thursday

Watching the agenda carried education like Sesame Street 1-3 hours a week, his effect was proven to be positive for the child's intelligence. However, watched entertainment program and the cartoon film was longer, the academic value the low child. The unfriendly behaviour then increased long the list of the effect of the TV of the negative after obesity, aggressiveness, and inatensi. "Why is it that children now how come very unfriendly, if being asked to speak sterner than us his parents?" In fact, we had not taught like that, asked a mother to his friend. The friend countered, "Oh, quite other against our time was small first." Boro-boro stern, spoke then with parents must be polite and soft. Whatever brave we denied it?

The time indeed changed, that dared to be the same parents not only the child the A or the B, but has become the phenomenon of the public. Even so the style spoke about the child that increasingly ceplas ceplos, was impressed unfriendly, liked snapped, and seem like without good manners. Many parents pointed at the TV as the source of this change. Particularly the high-quality agenda that was just right for education and the child's entertainment kelewat was difficult to be found in the TV, although the number of channels even more.

The Program Educational
"We could not indeed be reckless menggeneralisasi that the TV was bad in the interest of grew the child's flower." Actually because of so many television channels and in such a way the style of the form and the contents of the agenda that could be chosen. If the two mothers above could arrange the child only watched the high-quality TV, possibly program they will not face the problem regarding the behaviour of the child of the negative. A research in Texas, the United States, that was done for more than three years against 200 age children 2-7 years showed results that gave optimistic nuances. Children who came from the social class family the low and middle economics periodically got the test read, mathematics, the vocabulary, and readiness went to school.

Children who spent time several hours every time per week to watch the educational program like Sesame Street, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, Reading Rainbow, Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Wizard apostr s World evidently received the better academic value three years afterwards, were compared by children who did not watch the educational program. This research also found, children who often watched the entertainment program and proven cartoon films received the academic value lower, compared to children that just a few finished the time to watch the same program.

If being paid attention to by the allocation of the time, children indeed spent spare time a little to watch the educational program. In general these children watched 1-3 hours of the educational program each week, if being compared in general 10 till children's 16 hours watched the entertainment program, and 5 to 8 hours watched the cartoon film. Therefore, the researcher could not confirm whether if the children watched the educational program being longer also will cause the effect of the negative, with more time to be thrown away to sit in front of TV. Hasil positive also was explained from this research, was linked with the level of the age of the child. To smaller children, the age 2-3 years, the effect of the educational program was far more stronger. The "good educational program gave the long-term profit in all the ages, but especially to children who did not yet receive education in the school, the habit watched that was good that was formed since the early age," said Aletha C. Houston, Ph.D, from the Texan University in Austin, that led the research.

The Judes lesson
"Besides giving the effect took the form of the bad academic value, evidently television also made the behaviour" of the "other negative to children, that is liking to snap the unfriendly alias fertile." According to Journal of the American Medical Association just recently, age children four years that accepted the emotional support and the cognitive stimulus from his parents did not show the sign behaved unfriendly. On the other hand, same age children who more often were "supported and was stimulated" by television was proven to be more unfriendly. What must be worried from the unfriendly behaviour, so as the researchers to was interested in such a way? Evidently they predicted his bad impact for the child in the future, including the increase in aggressiveness, the low level of the socialising capacity and berempati, and the low level of the cognitive capacity.

Therefore, this unfriendly behaviour increased the list of the effect of television of the negative against children, in part: obesity, the disturbance of the concentration of attention (inatensi), and aggressiveness. The researchers suggested that parents more often gave the emotional support and the cognitive stimulus for the child, replaced their hours watched TV. Ini being significantly limiting the child watched television really was suggested. Chose only that really good for the child's education.


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