
Monday, October 26, 2009

The Effective Learning Method

The Effective Learning Method

Studied or learning was to be an obligatory activity was carried out by us and was given by us to our children. Because he was the key may always be successful achieved the clear future, prepared the generation of the nation with the concept of high science. That in the long run will be useful to the nation, the country, and the religion. Saw the so vital role, then applied the effective and efficient method of being an obligation. In the hope that the process studies taught will go pleasant and did not bore. Below this was several methods pembelajaran effective, that possibly could be prepared by us.

The Debate Method
The debate method was one of the methods pembelajaran that very important to increase the academic capacity the student. Material taught was chosen and compiled into the package of pros and cons. The student was divided into several groups and each group consisted of four people. In his group, the student (two people took the position for and two other people in the position contra) carried out the debate about the topic that was assigned. The report was respectively the group that was related to the two positions of pros and cons given to the teacher. Further the teacher could evaluate each student about the material command that covered the two positions and evaluated as effective the student was involved in the debate procedure.

Basically, so that all the models are successful like that was hoped for pembelajaran cooperative, each model must involve material taught that enabled the student to help each other and supportive when they studied material and worked depended mutually (interdependent) to complete the task. Social skills that were needed in an effort to berkolaborasi must be it was considered important in the success in completing the task of the group. These skills could be taught to the student and the role of the student could be determined to facilitate the process of the group. This role possibly various things according to the task, for example, the role of the registrar (recorder), the manufacturer of the conclusion (summarizer), the organiser of material (material the Manager), or the facilitator and the role of the teacher could as pemonitor the process studied.

The Role Playing Method
The Role Playing method was a method of the command of teaching materials through the development of the imagination and the understanding of the student. The development of the imagination and the understanding were carried out by the student by playing him as the leading figure of the life or the inanimate object. This game is generally carried out by more than one person, that was hanging to what was played. The Role Playing method surplus: involved all the student in could participate had the opportunity to promote his capacity in co-operating.
  1. The student free to take the decision and berekspresi intact.
  2. The game was the discovery that was easy and could be used in the situation and different time.
  3. The teacher could evaluate the understanding of each student through observation when carrying out the game.
  4. The game was the studying experience that was pleasant for the child.


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