
Monday, October 26, 2009

The Success Implementation of MBS Strategy

The Success Implementation of MBS Strategy
by Nurkholis, Drs., MM.

The aim of national education had a basis No. UU 2 in 1989 about the Nasional Education System were to develop the life of the nation and to develop Indonesian humankind entirely, that is faithful humankind and bertaqwa against the Lord of the Lord and nice the noble character, had knowledge and skills, the health of the body and spiritual, the identity that was stable and independent as well as the feeling of social and national responsibility. In the meantime the formulation of the aim of national education of being based on the Akademik Text of the Pendidikan Nasional Bill (RUUPN) was to develop Indonesian humankind in accordance with his disposition became personal that was faithful and bertaqwa against the Lord of the Lord, berakhak noble, controlled science, technology and art, had the health of the body and spiritual, had living skills that berharkat and bermartabat, had the identity that was stable and independent as well as had social and national responsibility of could bring about the life of the smart nation.

The basic difference of the aim of education according to the Akademik RUUPN Text was more memanusiakan the student as humankind the way it is and more empowered the student in line with the national educational point of view. The national educational point of view according to the Akademik RUUPN Text was the realisation of the education system as the social structure that was strong and authoritative to empower all the Indonesian citizens developed by quality humankind so as to be able to and want to answer the time challenge that always changed.

To bring about the point of view, the mission and the aim of national education was needed by various strategies. One of the development strategies of national education that was discussed by the Reformasi Pendidikan Committee (KRP) contained the application of the management of based education the school (MBS, School-Based Management) in the process of decision making for basic education and middle.

Chosen by him MBS for basic education and middle because of being believed in this model will facilitate pemcapaian the aim of new education. The MBS characteristics were the existence of autonomy that was strong in the level of the school, active participation the community in education, the process of democratic decision making and berkeadilan, revered akuntabilitas and the transparency in every time kegitan education.

Must be remembered again that the main MBS aim was to increase the achievement of the school especially increasing studying results of the student. However in his implementation often the deviation happened so as results deviated from the main aim. Various literature showed the existence of several strategies to achieve the success of the MBS implementation but also was pointed out by various causes of the failure of the MBS implementation.

The MBS implementation will be successful through strategies along with this:
  1. Firstly, the school must have autonomy towards four matters that is owned by him the authority and the authority, the development of continous knowledge, information access to all the parts and giving of the appreciation to anyone who was successful.
  2. Secondly, the existence of the community's participation in a manner was active in the matter of funding, the process of decision making against the curriculum and instructional as well as non-instructional.
  3. Thirdly, the existence of the principal's leadership that could move and use each school resources effectively efficiently.
  4. Fourthly, the existence of the process of decision making that was democratic in the life of the active school council.
  5. Fifthly, all the sides must understand the role and his responsibility seriously.
  6. The six, the existence guidelines from the related Department so as to be able to push the process of education in the school efficiently and effectively. Guidelines did not take the form of regulations that curbed and shackled the school.
  7. The seven, the school must have the transparency and akuntabilitas that was minimal was realised in the report on responsibility each year.
  8. The eight, the MBS application must be aimed for the achievement of the achievement of the school and especially again was to increase the studying achievement of the student.
  9. The nine, the implementation was preceeded with the socialisation from the MBS concept, the identification of their respective role, held trainings towards his new role, the implementation in the process pembelajaran, the evaluation on the implementation in the field and was carried out by improvements.
Could the MBS application at once achieve the aim especially? According to Drury and Levin (1994) MBS still could not directly increased the achievement of the studying achievement of the student, but had the potential to increase him. Proposed that MBS obviously gave the contribution towards four educational outputs that is increasing use efficiency of resources including the personnel, increased the teacher's professionalism, the implementation of curriculum reform and increased the community's participation in education.

In the meantime Oswald (1995) said that is based on the research not yet there are those that showed clearly the influence of the MBS application to the academic achievement of the student, reduced the level provided out, increased the level of the presence of the student, and increased discipline of the student.

Paterson (1991) also stated that MBS did not yet succeed in increasing the studying achievement of the student because of the shortage of the concentration of the MBS application to the activity pembelajaran and the curriculum and more was focussed whereas that his characteristics were tertiary and not that his characteristics were primary.

Wohlstetter and Mohrman (1996) said was gotten by four failure sorts of the MBS implementation:
  1. First, just adopted the model the way it is without creative efforts.
  2. the two, the principal worked was based on his agenda personally without looking the aspirations of all the member of the school council.
  3. the three, the authority of decision making was focussed on one side and tended arbitrarily.
  4. the four, considered that MBS was the normal matter with without serious efforts to be successful automatically.
In fact in fact the MBS implementation took up time, the power, and thoughts on a large scale. The experience of various countries showed MBS can be judged by results after more than four years went.

Have schools ready to apply the MBS model? Before applying him, better be anticipated by failure factors and the success was based on countries's other experience.


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