
Monday, October 26, 2009

The Learn Cycle, Cooperative Learning, and The Educational Media on Physics Learning

The Learn Cycle, Cooperative Learning, and The Educational Media on Physics Learning

Phases in the studying cycle, that is the exploration, the introduction to the term, and the application of the concept, formed the spiral composition because the phase was beforehand applied in the phase afterwards. In the phase of the student's exploration could teach himself (me-did several activities and the reaction in the new situation. In the introductory phase to the student's term knew new terms that became the reference for the pattern that the discovery in the exploration. In the last cycle, the application of the concept, the student used the term or the pattern he thought to enrich examples. The studying cycle was the model pembelajaran that was flexible, especially for someone who not all that received the direct experience so as through the studying cycle the student will receive this experience, for example in the exploration phase.

Cycle sorts studied
Gotten by three cycle sorts, that is descriptive, empirikal-abduktif, and hipotetikal-deductive. The difference of the three studying cycle sorts only was located in the student's efforts to describe the characteristics or the explicit generalisation and tested hypothesis-alternative.
In the studying cycle descriptive, the student found and described the pattern empirik in the typical context. In the studying cycle empirikal-abduktif, the student also found, like in the first cycle (the exploration), but took a step more far, that is by creating reasons that possibly were to this pattern. In the studying cycle hipotetikal-deductive, the student suggested questiones various reasons that could cause several explanation sorts.

The use of the Studying Cycle in Physics Learning
Several this was linked was tight to the process pembelajaran physics was elements of the subject in pembelajaran that personally, for example the material and the activity that attracted the student, were formed the pattern thought jika… dan… maka…, the answer emergence or the more effective method, the analysis emergence, the forecast or the new data, the availability of the opportunity to check how far the concept could be just applied in the other context, the typical characteristics of the lesson, the typical characteristics of the behaviour of the student and the typical characteristics of the behaviour of the teacher. These matters was introduced to reach pembelajaran physics that was effective with the aim so that the achievement of the successful teacher.
In designed pembelajaran was suggested to increase concept knowledge and skills thought with pay attention to element-lemen above. For the sake of tecapai him pembelajaran that was effective must be monitored by his implementation through several questions expressed the typical characteristics of the lesson and the behaviour of the student and the teacher as penginvestigasi the student's activity by the teacher personally or by the other person, for example the colleague and the principal.

Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning was typical between models learning because of using a structure of the task and the appreciation that were different to increase learning the student. The structure of the task of forcing the student to co-operate in the small group. The appreciation system acknowledged the joint venture, equally good him like individual efforts.
The Cooperative Learning model developed from the educational habit that stressed democratic thinking and the exercise or the practice, pembelajaran active, the learning environment that was cooperative and honored the existence of the difference of the community's culture that various things. The model learning cooperative had a purpose in order to be gotten by the effect (the influence) outside learning academic, especially the increase in inter-group acceptance as well as social skills and the group's skills.
The model learning cooperative focussed on the work of the small group, contradictory with learning classical (one class was full), and consisted 6 (six) the main stage: determined the aim and the regulation, gave information to the student through the presentation or the text, compiled the student in the study group, determined the group and helped the study group, tested or carried out the test to know the success from the tasks of the group, the appreciation was good towards the achievement of the individual and the group.
The theoretical and empirical foundations supported the use of the model learning cooperative for the aim of education along with: got the cooperative behaviour, results of the work teoreitis and improved not harmonious relations.

The application of cooperative learning in Physics learning
Task planning regarding learning cooperative, that Stressed in the organising of the student for the small working group, and used material learning that was varied to be used for working groups (the study group) took place. Four the variation from the basic approach in learning cooperative that could be used was: STAD, JIGSAW, GI, and the Struktural Approach. Did not care about his approach, cooperative learning was characterised with the work of the student in the small group, and was oriented in the existence of the appreciation of the group. Led cooperative learning changed the role of the teacher from as the centre of the speaker or the speaker main to choreographer in the activity of the small group. The small working group caused a management challenge for the teacher. The teacher must help the student to carry out the transition in their small group, arranged their working group, and taught important skills, namely social skills and the group's skills.


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