
Monday, October 26, 2009

Education and Outreach (Article 6 of the Convention)

Education and Outreach (Article 6 of the Convention)


The importance of outreach
National strategies for addressing climate change can only succeed with the full engagement of the general public and important interest groups, or “stakeholders,” such as businesses and local policymakers. Since governments are directly responsible for only a small proportion of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), they must persuade businesses, communities and individuals to adjust their activities in a way that reduces their direct emissions. Otherwise, it will not be possible to realize the Convention’s objective and the Protocol’s targets.

Governments have several tools at their disposal for gaining public support. Policies can be used to raise the cost of activities that emit GHGs and reduce the costs of similar activities that do not. Regulations and standards can mandate changes in products and practices. Taxes and subsidies can be adjusted to influence behaviour. Such policies and measures, however, can engender opposition, particularly from those concerned about the imposition of a new cost. Public information and education is therefore vital for generating public support for such policies. It can also encourage voluntary changes in habits that will lead to lower emissions.

Many governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (IGOs and NGOs) are already working actively to raise awareness. The scale of changes required, however, and the vast number of people and interests that must be influenced, call for outreach activities of a greater magnitude.

How the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol respond
The UN Convention on Climate Change recognizes this reality: under Article 6 on Education, Training and Public Awareness, it calls on governments to promote the development and implementation of educational and public awareness programmes, promote public access to information and public participation, and promote training of scientific, technical and managerial personnel.

The Kyoto Protocol builds on this and calls on Parties to cooperate in and promote, at the national and international levels, the development and implementation of educational and training programmes, including the strengthening of national capacity building; and to facilitate, at the national level, public awareness and public access to information ((PDF) Article 10 (e)).

Paving the way for action
At COP 8 (New Delhi, October/November 2002), Parties adopted the "New Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention ((PDF) decision 11/CP.8), a five-year country-driven work programme engaging all stakeholders, and recommending a list of activities that could be undertaken at the national level to facilitate the implementation of Article 6 activities.

To further develop and implement the New Delhi work programme, Parties requested the secretariat to:

* facilitate regional workshops that could advance the work on assessing needs, identifying priorities, sharing experience and exchanging information on related activities; and
* work on an information clearing house that would include information on existing resources.

To date, four regional workshops have been organised in Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia and the Pacific, and an additional workshop dedicated to the Small island developing States (SIDS)

Management Technique That Really Works

Quiet Signaling, A Classroom Management Technique That Really Works

by: Gsuppes

The time that students spend in the classroom actually working on academic subjects is sometimes referred to as “engaged time.” This engaged time is very valuable. Classroom teachers have an opportunity to observe students actively solving problems and independently working through an assignment. Through appropriate monitoring and active observation, instructors can determine what tasks students are having difficulty with and when students are being successful.

During independent seatwork several of the children may have questions as they work through the assigned tasks. But the key to addressing these questions is to have previously developed a simple procedure with the class, so as not disturb the valuable learning time of the rest of the students.

In Mrs. Suppes’ 3rd grade classroom at Marquette Elementary School, a simple “quiet questioning” procedure is used everyday. Her method of assisting students who need help, without disrupting the learning environment, is to utilize a flag located on each of their desks. This simply designed flag (the “Flagbee”) can be flipped up on its swivel. If a student gets stuck on a problem and requires teacher assistance, he or she may raise the flag, but should continue working. An upright flag indicates that help is needed. This quiet signal for help minimizes distractions and disruptions.

Many times Mrs. Suppes chooses to wait a few minutes before immediately addressing a raised flag. This technique allows the children additional time to attempt to problem-solve on their own. In many cases, the student may choose to lower his or her own flag without teacher intervention, because they have figured it out on their own.

All students have been trained to make appropriate use of the help signal as a class wide intervention, and not to abuse the flags. After posting the help signal, the student should continue to check over the current work assignment to see if there are other problems or items that he or she can work on while waiting for the teacher.

This quiet questioning practice has proven to be very effective in elementary classrooms. The flag was designed by educators, and supports the latest practice in classroom management techniques. It has encouraged students to remain on task while waiting for assistance, and has helped maintain an appropriate working environment for everyone, that is conducive to learning. You can order a classroom set of Flagbees today!

Make Way for a Different Kind of Thinking

Make Way for a Different Kind of Thinking

by: James P. Krehbiel

I distinctly recall when Nathan began seeing me for counseling. He was a skinny, sensitive kid with a big heart. At age 13, he struggled in the midst of a tumultuous custody battle that left emotional scars. My job was to prop him up - to give him hope that things would change for the better - and they did.

Nathan came back to see me three years after he had "graduated" from therapy. He brought his new guitar and treated me to few melodies in the privacy of my own office. He was serenading me - it was a gift for being there for him. However, Nathan's visit took on a more important purpose. He came to tell me, in so many words, how he had become a different kind of thinker - the type of young person who inevitably would change the very foundations upon how we view matter and energy and life itself. At age 16, Nathan had graduated from a college preparatory high school and made his way to a prestigious university to study nanotechnology.

As I intently listened, Nathan explained that nanotechnology will allow us to snap together the fundamental building blocks of nature more easily, more cost effectively, and in a way that is permitted through the laws of physics. Nanotechnology has the ability to transform our thinking about science, physical health and disease, emotional well-being, computer programming, and travel to outer space. Not only was Nathan "studying" this complex, molecular thinking, but he was actually conducting research with the world's greatest scientists in this technological field.

Like an H. G. Wells of his time, Nathan passionately projected what the world would look like in the next 15 years due to his work. His words seemed prophetic and powerful, and I sense that I was sitting before one of a new age of young people - the dreamers, the problem-solvers, the visionaries who would create a new way of thinking about thinking. These are not “egg-heads,” but balanced, well-rounded kids who have the capacity to not only reflect on problems but to communicate about how the world will dramatically change due to their influence.

Nathan represents an influx of thinkers among thinkers, who will quietly work behind the scenes to make things happen. These are not our future leaders or managers, but those who empty themselves of all internal clutter or preconceived notions about how the world works. By staying open to the truth, wherever they may find it, new, exciting discoveries will be made that will impact all aspects of the human condition.

Like Nathan, our future thinkers can recognize the qualities and significance of emptiness. They can handle the perplexing nature of uncertainty and ambiguity. They understand that there are multiple dimensions to any problem with conflicting and paradoxical meanings. They are willing to surrender conventional notions about how the world works in order to make room for the new. By cutting a path through the clutter and letting go of a traditional means of thinking, these talented young people will open themselves up to what Robert Schuller referred to as, "possibility thinking." In the midst of all the incivility and strife that we are faced with, Nathan will make a difference. He has not forgotten what it was like to stand face to face at a young age with problems that were bigger than he was capable of solving. He will use that experience to empower and propel him in a direction to bring peace as he thinks about and humbly solves problems that raise hope and healing for all humanity.

The Learn Cycle, Cooperative Learning, and The Educational Media on Physics Learning

The Learn Cycle, Cooperative Learning, and The Educational Media on Physics Learning

Phases in the studying cycle, that is the exploration, the introduction to the term, and the application of the concept, formed the spiral composition because the phase was beforehand applied in the phase afterwards. In the phase of the student's exploration could teach himself (me-did several activities and the reaction in the new situation. In the introductory phase to the student's term knew new terms that became the reference for the pattern that the discovery in the exploration. In the last cycle, the application of the concept, the student used the term or the pattern he thought to enrich examples. The studying cycle was the model pembelajaran that was flexible, especially for someone who not all that received the direct experience so as through the studying cycle the student will receive this experience, for example in the exploration phase.

Cycle sorts studied
Gotten by three cycle sorts, that is descriptive, empirikal-abduktif, and hipotetikal-deductive. The difference of the three studying cycle sorts only was located in the student's efforts to describe the characteristics or the explicit generalisation and tested hypothesis-alternative.
In the studying cycle descriptive, the student found and described the pattern empirik in the typical context. In the studying cycle empirikal-abduktif, the student also found, like in the first cycle (the exploration), but took a step more far, that is by creating reasons that possibly were to this pattern. In the studying cycle hipotetikal-deductive, the student suggested questiones various reasons that could cause several explanation sorts.

The use of the Studying Cycle in Physics Learning
Several this was linked was tight to the process pembelajaran physics was elements of the subject in pembelajaran that personally, for example the material and the activity that attracted the student, were formed the pattern thought jika… dan… maka…, the answer emergence or the more effective method, the analysis emergence, the forecast or the new data, the availability of the opportunity to check how far the concept could be just applied in the other context, the typical characteristics of the lesson, the typical characteristics of the behaviour of the student and the typical characteristics of the behaviour of the teacher. These matters was introduced to reach pembelajaran physics that was effective with the aim so that the achievement of the successful teacher.
In designed pembelajaran was suggested to increase concept knowledge and skills thought with pay attention to element-lemen above. For the sake of tecapai him pembelajaran that was effective must be monitored by his implementation through several questions expressed the typical characteristics of the lesson and the behaviour of the student and the teacher as penginvestigasi the student's activity by the teacher personally or by the other person, for example the colleague and the principal.

Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning was typical between models learning because of using a structure of the task and the appreciation that were different to increase learning the student. The structure of the task of forcing the student to co-operate in the small group. The appreciation system acknowledged the joint venture, equally good him like individual efforts.
The Cooperative Learning model developed from the educational habit that stressed democratic thinking and the exercise or the practice, pembelajaran active, the learning environment that was cooperative and honored the existence of the difference of the community's culture that various things. The model learning cooperative had a purpose in order to be gotten by the effect (the influence) outside learning academic, especially the increase in inter-group acceptance as well as social skills and the group's skills.
The model learning cooperative focussed on the work of the small group, contradictory with learning classical (one class was full), and consisted 6 (six) the main stage: determined the aim and the regulation, gave information to the student through the presentation or the text, compiled the student in the study group, determined the group and helped the study group, tested or carried out the test to know the success from the tasks of the group, the appreciation was good towards the achievement of the individual and the group.
The theoretical and empirical foundations supported the use of the model learning cooperative for the aim of education along with: got the cooperative behaviour, results of the work teoreitis and improved not harmonious relations.

The application of cooperative learning in Physics learning
Task planning regarding learning cooperative, that Stressed in the organising of the student for the small working group, and used material learning that was varied to be used for working groups (the study group) took place. Four the variation from the basic approach in learning cooperative that could be used was: STAD, JIGSAW, GI, and the Struktural Approach. Did not care about his approach, cooperative learning was characterised with the work of the student in the small group, and was oriented in the existence of the appreciation of the group. Led cooperative learning changed the role of the teacher from as the centre of the speaker or the speaker main to choreographer in the activity of the small group. The small working group caused a management challenge for the teacher. The teacher must help the student to carry out the transition in their small group, arranged their working group, and taught important skills, namely social skills and the group's skills.

Classroom Pictionary

Classroom Pictionary
Marie, Elementary Teacher

A great way to review just about anything is to use the game pictionary. I break the class into teams of three and four students. I prepare five levels of notecards ahead of time. On each notecard I write single word concepts or definitions. Level one cards are easiest and level five cards are very difficult. Each level card translates to equal point values. For example, a level three card is worth three points.

When the game begins a team gets to pick a level card prior to viewing it. They must send one drawer up to the board. The drawer has forty-five seconds to get their team to guess the word/concept on the card by drawing. The drawer cannot use numbers, letters, or symbols, if they do, the team's turn ends. If the team guesses correctly, they receive the point value. If they guess incorrectly, the card is passed to the next team and an extra point is accumulated. So, if a two point card is missed twice, it counts as four points if that team guesses correctly. I have also added the rule that if I hear the word/concept aloud in the classroom during a teams turn they automatically receive the points. Additionally, to keep the class controlled, if another group is rude or loud they automatically lose one point.

I find this to be an invaluable activity. It engages the students in the activity.

The Effective Learning Method

The Effective Learning Method

Studied or learning was to be an obligatory activity was carried out by us and was given by us to our children. Because he was the key may always be successful achieved the clear future, prepared the generation of the nation with the concept of high science. That in the long run will be useful to the nation, the country, and the religion. Saw the so vital role, then applied the effective and efficient method of being an obligation. In the hope that the process studies taught will go pleasant and did not bore. Below this was several methods pembelajaran effective, that possibly could be prepared by us.

The Debate Method
The debate method was one of the methods pembelajaran that very important to increase the academic capacity the student. Material taught was chosen and compiled into the package of pros and cons. The student was divided into several groups and each group consisted of four people. In his group, the student (two people took the position for and two other people in the position contra) carried out the debate about the topic that was assigned. The report was respectively the group that was related to the two positions of pros and cons given to the teacher. Further the teacher could evaluate each student about the material command that covered the two positions and evaluated as effective the student was involved in the debate procedure.

Basically, so that all the models are successful like that was hoped for pembelajaran cooperative, each model must involve material taught that enabled the student to help each other and supportive when they studied material and worked depended mutually (interdependent) to complete the task. Social skills that were needed in an effort to berkolaborasi must be it was considered important in the success in completing the task of the group. These skills could be taught to the student and the role of the student could be determined to facilitate the process of the group. This role possibly various things according to the task, for example, the role of the registrar (recorder), the manufacturer of the conclusion (summarizer), the organiser of material (material the Manager), or the facilitator and the role of the teacher could as pemonitor the process studied.

The Role Playing Method
The Role Playing method was a method of the command of teaching materials through the development of the imagination and the understanding of the student. The development of the imagination and the understanding were carried out by the student by playing him as the leading figure of the life or the inanimate object. This game is generally carried out by more than one person, that was hanging to what was played. The Role Playing method surplus: involved all the student in could participate had the opportunity to promote his capacity in co-operating.
  1. The student free to take the decision and berekspresi intact.
  2. The game was the discovery that was easy and could be used in the situation and different time.
  3. The teacher could evaluate the understanding of each student through observation when carrying out the game.
  4. The game was the studying experience that was pleasant for the child.

Problems of education in Indonesia

Problems of education in Indonesia
  • The Country still could not carry out the UUD message that is 20% APBN to education
  • Means and the infrastructure of education that not mendukung
  • Profesionalism the teacher that rendah -welfare of the low teacher (in relation to Profesionalism)
  • Education was made the political commodity in pilkada
  • Pilkada, with the free educational campaign
  • Was not yet equitable him education that was appropriate for all the area in Indonesia
  • Was not yet appropriate him education with the area character
  • Area and the Indonesia character There are those that wanted added or the solution love, please...
Education, the solution for the problem of the nation

The Success Implementation of MBS Strategy

The Success Implementation of MBS Strategy
by Nurkholis, Drs., MM.

The aim of national education had a basis No. UU 2 in 1989 about the Nasional Education System were to develop the life of the nation and to develop Indonesian humankind entirely, that is faithful humankind and bertaqwa against the Lord of the Lord and nice the noble character, had knowledge and skills, the health of the body and spiritual, the identity that was stable and independent as well as the feeling of social and national responsibility. In the meantime the formulation of the aim of national education of being based on the Akademik Text of the Pendidikan Nasional Bill (RUUPN) was to develop Indonesian humankind in accordance with his disposition became personal that was faithful and bertaqwa against the Lord of the Lord, berakhak noble, controlled science, technology and art, had the health of the body and spiritual, had living skills that berharkat and bermartabat, had the identity that was stable and independent as well as had social and national responsibility of could bring about the life of the smart nation.

The basic difference of the aim of education according to the Akademik RUUPN Text was more memanusiakan the student as humankind the way it is and more empowered the student in line with the national educational point of view. The national educational point of view according to the Akademik RUUPN Text was the realisation of the education system as the social structure that was strong and authoritative to empower all the Indonesian citizens developed by quality humankind so as to be able to and want to answer the time challenge that always changed.

To bring about the point of view, the mission and the aim of national education was needed by various strategies. One of the development strategies of national education that was discussed by the Reformasi Pendidikan Committee (KRP) contained the application of the management of based education the school (MBS, School-Based Management) in the process of decision making for basic education and middle.

Chosen by him MBS for basic education and middle because of being believed in this model will facilitate pemcapaian the aim of new education. The MBS characteristics were the existence of autonomy that was strong in the level of the school, active participation the community in education, the process of democratic decision making and berkeadilan, revered akuntabilitas and the transparency in every time kegitan education.

Must be remembered again that the main MBS aim was to increase the achievement of the school especially increasing studying results of the student. However in his implementation often the deviation happened so as results deviated from the main aim. Various literature showed the existence of several strategies to achieve the success of the MBS implementation but also was pointed out by various causes of the failure of the MBS implementation.

The MBS implementation will be successful through strategies along with this:
  1. Firstly, the school must have autonomy towards four matters that is owned by him the authority and the authority, the development of continous knowledge, information access to all the parts and giving of the appreciation to anyone who was successful.
  2. Secondly, the existence of the community's participation in a manner was active in the matter of funding, the process of decision making against the curriculum and instructional as well as non-instructional.
  3. Thirdly, the existence of the principal's leadership that could move and use each school resources effectively efficiently.
  4. Fourthly, the existence of the process of decision making that was democratic in the life of the active school council.
  5. Fifthly, all the sides must understand the role and his responsibility seriously.
  6. The six, the existence guidelines from the related Department so as to be able to push the process of education in the school efficiently and effectively. Guidelines did not take the form of regulations that curbed and shackled the school.
  7. The seven, the school must have the transparency and akuntabilitas that was minimal was realised in the report on responsibility each year.
  8. The eight, the MBS application must be aimed for the achievement of the achievement of the school and especially again was to increase the studying achievement of the student.
  9. The nine, the implementation was preceeded with the socialisation from the MBS concept, the identification of their respective role, held trainings towards his new role, the implementation in the process pembelajaran, the evaluation on the implementation in the field and was carried out by improvements.
Could the MBS application at once achieve the aim especially? According to Drury and Levin (1994) MBS still could not directly increased the achievement of the studying achievement of the student, but had the potential to increase him. Proposed that MBS obviously gave the contribution towards four educational outputs that is increasing use efficiency of resources including the personnel, increased the teacher's professionalism, the implementation of curriculum reform and increased the community's participation in education.

In the meantime Oswald (1995) said that is based on the research not yet there are those that showed clearly the influence of the MBS application to the academic achievement of the student, reduced the level provided out, increased the level of the presence of the student, and increased discipline of the student.

Paterson (1991) also stated that MBS did not yet succeed in increasing the studying achievement of the student because of the shortage of the concentration of the MBS application to the activity pembelajaran and the curriculum and more was focussed whereas that his characteristics were tertiary and not that his characteristics were primary.

Wohlstetter and Mohrman (1996) said was gotten by four failure sorts of the MBS implementation:
  1. First, just adopted the model the way it is without creative efforts.
  2. the two, the principal worked was based on his agenda personally without looking the aspirations of all the member of the school council.
  3. the three, the authority of decision making was focussed on one side and tended arbitrarily.
  4. the four, considered that MBS was the normal matter with without serious efforts to be successful automatically.
In fact in fact the MBS implementation took up time, the power, and thoughts on a large scale. The experience of various countries showed MBS can be judged by results after more than four years went.

Have schools ready to apply the MBS model? Before applying him, better be anticipated by failure factors and the success was based on countries's other experience.

Television made unfriendly children

Television made unfriendly children Jakarta, Thursday

Watching the agenda carried education like Sesame Street 1-3 hours a week, his effect was proven to be positive for the child's intelligence. However, watched entertainment program and the cartoon film was longer, the academic value the low child. The unfriendly behaviour then increased long the list of the effect of the TV of the negative after obesity, aggressiveness, and inatensi. "Why is it that children now how come very unfriendly, if being asked to speak sterner than us his parents?" In fact, we had not taught like that, asked a mother to his friend. The friend countered, "Oh, quite other against our time was small first." Boro-boro stern, spoke then with parents must be polite and soft. Whatever brave we denied it?

The time indeed changed, that dared to be the same parents not only the child the A or the B, but has become the phenomenon of the public. Even so the style spoke about the child that increasingly ceplas ceplos, was impressed unfriendly, liked snapped, and seem like without good manners. Many parents pointed at the TV as the source of this change. Particularly the high-quality agenda that was just right for education and the child's entertainment kelewat was difficult to be found in the TV, although the number of channels even more.

The Program Educational
"We could not indeed be reckless menggeneralisasi that the TV was bad in the interest of grew the child's flower." Actually because of so many television channels and in such a way the style of the form and the contents of the agenda that could be chosen. If the two mothers above could arrange the child only watched the high-quality TV, possibly program they will not face the problem regarding the behaviour of the child of the negative. A research in Texas, the United States, that was done for more than three years against 200 age children 2-7 years showed results that gave optimistic nuances. Children who came from the social class family the low and middle economics periodically got the test read, mathematics, the vocabulary, and readiness went to school.

Children who spent time several hours every time per week to watch the educational program like Sesame Street, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, Reading Rainbow, Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Wizard apostr s World evidently received the better academic value three years afterwards, were compared by children who did not watch the educational program. This research also found, children who often watched the entertainment program and proven cartoon films received the academic value lower, compared to children that just a few finished the time to watch the same program.

If being paid attention to by the allocation of the time, children indeed spent spare time a little to watch the educational program. In general these children watched 1-3 hours of the educational program each week, if being compared in general 10 till children's 16 hours watched the entertainment program, and 5 to 8 hours watched the cartoon film. Therefore, the researcher could not confirm whether if the children watched the educational program being longer also will cause the effect of the negative, with more time to be thrown away to sit in front of TV. Hasil positive also was explained from this research, was linked with the level of the age of the child. To smaller children, the age 2-3 years, the effect of the educational program was far more stronger. The "good educational program gave the long-term profit in all the ages, but especially to children who did not yet receive education in the school, the habit watched that was good that was formed since the early age," said Aletha C. Houston, Ph.D, from the Texan University in Austin, that led the research.

The Judes lesson
"Besides giving the effect took the form of the bad academic value, evidently television also made the behaviour" of the "other negative to children, that is liking to snap the unfriendly alias fertile." According to Journal of the American Medical Association just recently, age children four years that accepted the emotional support and the cognitive stimulus from his parents did not show the sign behaved unfriendly. On the other hand, same age children who more often were "supported and was stimulated" by television was proven to be more unfriendly. What must be worried from the unfriendly behaviour, so as the researchers to was interested in such a way? Evidently they predicted his bad impact for the child in the future, including the increase in aggressiveness, the low level of the socialising capacity and berempati, and the low level of the cognitive capacity.

Therefore, this unfriendly behaviour increased the list of the effect of television of the negative against children, in part: obesity, the disturbance of the concentration of attention (inatensi), and aggressiveness. The researchers suggested that parents more often gave the emotional support and the cognitive stimulus for the child, replaced their hours watched TV. Ini being significantly limiting the child watched television really was suggested. Chose only that really good for the child's education.

The school became a kind of centre of the activity and the development that must be supported by various sides

The school became a kind of centre of the activity and the development that must be supported by various sides

by Ign Sumarya SJ

Paid close attention to various unrests that were developing was connected with the problem of education at this time I tergerak to mensharingkan the point of view and the educational mission had a basis the document and observation. The Vatican council Ii (1965) said :"The School became a kind of centre, that must be supported together by families, the teachers, very uniform of the union that promoted the life of culture, the membership and piety, and by the country as well as all the community (the Vatican Council Ii: the Declaration about Education no 5). From the quotation above could be seen had 6 elements/stakeholders that must support the school, not annoying or troublesome, that is (is expressed now): (1) the family/parents, (2) the teacher, (3) non-governmental organisations/the foundation, (4) the religious agency, (5) the country/the government and (6) the community. This idea apparently really was tight to the movement that is done now that is with the existence of the "Sekolah Committee" and the "Education Council"

The six elements above was expected to help, not annoying. However in fact often annoying or was felt to be annoying the school, whether wrong who, possibly often not all that communication or the true understanding would the function and their respective role.

One of the quite worrying examples now at this time is the problem of religious education in the school. There was the impression as if the school became the "place" of "education/the development" of the "religion", or the problem was of education tightened and stunted to religious education. This was visible with reform of various UU in our country. It was frugal that we the aim of true education was to "develop the nation" (smart the intellectual, smart emotional, smart spiritual). In the note some time before I once menyampakan the characteristics of true education were the "freedom and the love", there was no force. Pay attention to and paid close attention to the book "learned from the MONKEY" by Rung Kaewdang Ph.D, a reform method pembelajaran that mangkus",Grasindo Jakarta 2002. In the front page (in) this book was also written "developed love relations and the friendliness", of course that was meant here relations between the educator and participants educated. We hoped this book could become the inspiration in educational reform in our country.

Various experts often also depicted the school like the "stall or the restaurant", where the owner and the stall manager/the restaurant fully the freedom and the friendliness presented "something" that was interesting for the consumer. There were various kinds and the colour of the "stall/the restaurant" in accordance with the aspirations and their respective superiority, also was linked with the price etc.... we were moving from the centralisation to decentralisation (bdk autonomy of the area, the decision about the committee and the school council etc... ), then if wanted was arranged again from above tightly... what will happen.

Once more in various of my opportunities always warned "visible that what was obliged to have not been operational truly". Saw: which regulations or regulations that was undertaken consistently. Why, because of bouncing the person always looked for the bypass and be easy or looked for the breakthrough according to the wish personally (the egoist). Then once more here I reminded 4 (four) the pillar of education that was proclaimed by UNESCO "learning to learn, learning to be, learning to do, learning to live together". Pembelajaran was prosesm, not the bypass, or break through-break through. It is hoped was not trapped with the SKS rumour (=Sistem Kebut Semalam or the Kebut Se- Jam System). Our hope 6 elements/stakeholders as was mentioned by us above "helped"/supported the school, not annoying or loaded. The freedom of the school must be given, without our freedom to be able to not demand responsibility.

Educational Television

Educational Television

Educational Television was the media that was very good to divide information and the educational material to the community widely. Newest technology including the computer and the Internet has become the main choice for educational technology, and had several people who thought television was long technology. But, the potential for Pendidikan Television to bring education to all the communities where they sat, like that was not yet reached.